LRI, based in Green Bay, Wisconsin, provides specialized recycling services to commercial, governmental and industrial customers throughout the Midwest region. We are noted for our quick service response to customer needs, and for providing exceptional service at very competitive rates.
​Incorporated in 1993 and with over 100 years of collective experience, we have positioned ourselves as a leader in the recycling industry. This is due to our commitment to safe and legal methods of disposal, and by providing high quality service. LRI provides services that help companies like yours comply with state and federal guidelines for the disposal of potentially hazardous substances. Our goal is to minimize your exposure to the cradle-to-grave liability which all companies that generate hazardous waste face.
LRI is committed to total recycling of the potentially hazardous wastes that all companies generate. Our priorities are to do everything in our power to protect your company from the liability faced by all waste generators, and to do so while providing the best available service to our customers.

We run regular pickup routes throughout the Midwest region from our location in Green Bay, WI. With a flexible pick up schedule, our customers simply call us to request a pickup of material, and are then scheduled for pickup on the next route in that area. We run regular routes in both straight trucks and semi-trailers — so no pickup is too large.
For pickups outside of our vehicle service area, we employ commercial common carrier transporters, so no pickup is too far away.
Call LRI today for more information — we think you will find our pricing and service unmatched.